Shiva Temple

With the blessings of almighty Lord Shiva the trust is building a Shiva Temple at Tillor Khurd, Indore, with the architecture and scale of the temple drawing inspiration from the ancient and sacred temple of Lord Pashupatinath at Kathmandu, Nepal.

The inspiration for building the temple came one Monday during the month of Shravan in 2014 when, during Shiva puja, one of Guruji’s (Shri Manoj Thakkar Ji) disciples mentioned to Guruji that, many years back when he had fallen seriously ill, his father had promised to establish a temple of Lord Shiva along with his family if his health improved; he had gotten better since but the promise remained unfulfilled yet. Upon hearing this Guruji said “We will all make the temple together and god willing a magnificent one.” Since Shri Manoj Thakkar Ji is working on a book with the sacred Shiva Sutra and Kashmir Shaivism as its base, he felt that the inspiration to build the temple had come to further, and in continuation of, the same, and therefore the architecture of the temple also drew inspiration from the temple of Lord Pashupatinath at Nepal.

Situated on the banks of River Bagmati and to the North- East of the Kathmandu Valley, the temple of Lord Pashupatinath is one of the most ancient of Hindu temples. In the courtyard of the temple, apart from the lavishly ornamented main temple of Lord Pashupatinath, other temples such as that of Goddess Mother Annapurna, Lord Vasukinath, God Unmatta Bhairava, God Surya Narayana, Lord Hanuman, and Lord Ganesha are also established. The architecture of the main temple is done in the Nepalese Pagoda style which include the twin triangular copper roofs covered with gold; the beautifully carved rafters on which the roofs rest; the four doors to the temple carved out of wood and covered with silver; the gold pinnacle; and a huge ornamented square stone base which rises almost 24 meters from base to pinnacle and on which the temple is established.

The holy lingam established in the inner sanctum of this temple is a Mukhlingam with the Yoni at its base and a silver serpent around it. Four faces are carved on the lingam facing all the four directions representing the Sadyojata, Vamdeva, Tatpurusha, Aghora, and Ishana, forms of Lord Shiva. The lingam is only touched by the four priests of the temple and therefore water and milk are not offered here by the devotees, and except during abhishekham the sacred lingam is always dressed with a golden cloth.

With divine inspiration the work for building the temple, similar in architecture and building material, at Tillor Khurd, Indore, has already started and hence we call out to all those wishing to join hands in the building of the temple, or wanting to contribute in any manner to contact us and get involved.